templates/pages/index/index.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends "base.html.twig" %}
  2. {% block content_header %}
  3.     {% set heroSettings = heroSettings|default(null) %}
  4.     {% include '_parts/index/_hero.html.twig' with {
  5.         class: 'index-page__hero',
  6.         heroSettings: heroSettings
  7.     } %}
  8. {% endblock %}
  9. {% block main %}
  10.     <div class="index-page__blocks">
  11.         {% set blockTitles = get_block_titles() %}
  12.         {% set projectItems = projectItems|default([]) %}
  13.         <div id="PROJECT" style="order: {{ get_block_order_position('PROJECT') }}">
  14.             {% include '_parts/index/_about.html.twig' with {
  15.                 class: 'index-page__block',
  16.                 items: projectItems,
  17.                 title: blockTitles.project
  18.             } %}
  19.         </div>
  20.         <div id="GENPLAN" style="order: {{ get_block_order_position('GENPLAN') }}">
  21.             {% include '_parts/index/_genplan.html.twig' with {
  22.                 title: blockTitles.genplan
  23.             } %}
  24.         </div>
  25.         <div id="LAYOUTS" style="order: {{ get_block_order_position('LAYOUTS') }}">
  26.             {% include '_parts/index/_plannings.html.twig' with {
  27.                 title: blockTitles.plannings
  28.             } %}
  29.         </div>
  30.         {% set advantageSettings = advantageSettings|default(null) %}
  31.         <div id="ADVANTAGES" style="order: {{ get_block_order_position('ADVANTAGES') }}">
  32.             {% include '_parts/index/_advantages.html.twig' with {
  33.                 class: 'index-page__block',
  34.                 title: blockTitles.advantages,
  35.                 advantageSettings: advantageSettings
  36.             } %}
  37.         </div>
  38.         <div id="INFRASTRUCTURE" style="order: {{ get_block_order_position('INFRASTRUCTURE') }}">
  39.             {% include '_parts/index/_infrastructure.html.twig' with {
  40.                 title: blockTitles.infrastructure
  41.             } %}
  42.         </div>
  43.         {% set constructionAlbums = constructionAlbums|default([]) %}
  44.         <div id="CONSTRUCTION_PROGRESS" style="order: {{ get_block_order_position('CONSTRUCTION_PROGRESS') }}">
  45.             {% include '_parts/index/_pipeline.html.twig' with {
  46.                 class: 'index-page__block',
  47.                 title: blockTitles.construct,
  48.                 albums: constructionAlbums
  49.             } %}
  50.         </div>
  51.         <div id="PAYMENTS" style="order: {{ get_block_order_position('PAYMENTS') }}">
  52.             {% include '_parts/index/_payment-methods.html.twig' with {
  53.                 title: blockTitles.payment
  54.             } %}
  55.         </div>
  56.     </div>
  57.     {% include '_parts/fav-success.html.twig' with {
  58.         class: 'index-page__fav-success'
  59.     } %}
  60. {% endblock %}
  61. {% block javascripts %}
  62.     <script src="https://api-maps.yandex.ru/2.1/?lang=ru_RU" type="text/javascript"></script>
  63.     {{ parent() }}
  64. {% endblock %}